Special hones / Customised production

Tandem bore

Mu-Tools - alésage tandem

Mu-Tools SA develops special tools according to customer requirements.

Example: Tandem bore requiring a concentricity of 0.001 mm.

Either two identical or different diameters.

Long Segment

Rodoir 2200 SP, 2204 SP - Mu-Tools - Bôle Suisse

The 2200 SP or 2204 SP hones have long metal or galvanic expandable segments to improve or even correct the straightness of a bore.

2 different diameters

Rodoir 2 diamètres différents - Mu-Tools - Bôle Suisse

The 3200 or 3204 hones have metal or galvanic expandable segments with 2 different diameters.

These rotors hones allow a concentricity within one micron between the two diameters.

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